

The 约翰霍普金斯医生办公室 seeks to support physicians across the enterprise in serving our patients better. Toward that end, the office has gathered the following resources of interest.


In this section you will find links to important policies affecting faculty.

  • Johns Hopkins University 医学院/约翰霍普金斯医学院 policy page
  • 有关任命的政策和指引, 促销活动, and Professional Activities for the Full-Time Faculty of The Johns Hopkins University 医学院金书
  • Professional Development Guide for the Faculty of the Johns Hopkins University 医学院银的书
  • 有关任命的政策和指引, 促销活动, and Professional Activities for the Part-Time Faculty of The Johns Hopkins University 医学院蓝色的书
  • Data governance policies are essential to ensure the security and privacy of our patients' data while increasing its value through better integration and analytics. 了解更多关于数据信托的信息 and the policies that have been approved by the Data Trust Council.


约翰霍普金斯医学院 physicians are committed to communicating promptly with their patients’ health care team and collaborating with them to deliver high-quality, 协调护理.

找一位适合你推荐十大正规网赌平台的约翰·霍普金斯医生, use this comprehensive online physician directory to search by name, 专业, 位置, 语言与性别. 您将能够浏览医生的教育, 培训背景, 以及专业知识和认证领域.