Clinical Research: Why Take Part?

doctor and patient in community center

如果没有临床研究(涉及人的医学研究)的进步,医学和推荐十大正规网赌平台护理就不会有今天的成就. 但是没有志愿者的参与,临床研究是不可能的. 约翰霍普金斯大学的研究人员确保我们的研究参与者是临床研究团队的关键部分.

约翰霍普金斯医学院的临床研究结果增加了世界对健康的认识, disease, prevention, and treatment.

Reasons People Take Part in Clinical Research


Helping Others


icon of people


They have a medical condition that a study is evaluating new treatments for. 他们希望这对他们自己的健康和/或其他有同样状况的人的健康有益.


Some clinical studies pay those who participate.

Monetary icon

Many participants like the extra health care they receive during a study. When people participate in clinical research, 他们受到研究小组和医务人员的监测和照顾,帮助他们进行全面护理.

“Research participants are giving a gift to society.”

—Liz Martinez, Johns Hopkins Medicine Research Participant Advocate

Informed Consent

参加临床研究的选择是个人的选择,人们应该自愿做出选择, without pressure from anyone else. Whether they are healthy or have been diagnosed with a medical condition, 只有当人们对整个过程感到了解和舒适时,他们才应该参加临床研究.

Informed consent is the key part of all clinical research. 它确保人们在同意(或不同意)参与之前,对他们想要参与的研究有充分的了解.

研究小组的成员向每一位潜在的参与者解释研究细节. They go over the question(s) the study seeks to answer, the possible risks and benefits of taking part, and the intervention being tested. 他们还解释了作为研究的一部分,参与者需要做什么.

只有在人们表明他们完全理解这些细节之后,他们才能自由地同意(或拒绝)参与. Taking part in clinical research is always voluntary, and participants are free to leave a study at any time.


  • What is the main purpose of this study?
  • 研究将持续多长时间?作为参与者,我将被要求做些什么?
  • 这项研究是否涉及安慰剂(一种无害的程序或药丸,用于与正在研究的真正治疗进行比较)?, or will it study a treatment that is already on the market? Will my doctor know which one is assigned to me?
  • How will the research intervention be given to me?
  • What has been learned about the research intervention so far? Have any study results been published?
  • Do I have to pay for any part of the study? Will my insurance cover these costs?
  • Does the study pay for travel costs or childcare?
  • Will I be able to see my own doctor during the study?
  • 如果研究干预对我有效,我可以在研究结束后继续使用它吗?
  • Will I receive any follow-up care after the study has ended?
  • What will happen to my medical care if I stop participating in the study?
  • 研究人员在临床研究中是否有任何经济利益或特殊利益?
  • How experienced are the physician and study staff?
  • What is the study team doing to keep me safe?
  • When and how will the results of the clinical trial be given to me?
  • 在一个包括安慰剂的试验中,我将知道我正在接受哪种治疗?
  • Can anyone find out whether I am participating in the research study?

You may have many more questions. Some of these questions may not apply to the study you are considering. 学习小组渴望在学习之前、期间和之后回答您的所有问题.

Clinical Research for a Healthier Tomorrow: A Family Shares Their Story

Clinical Research for a Healthier Tomorrow: A Family Shares Their Story

How to Participate in a Clinical Research Study

Whether they are healthy or have been diagnosed with a medical condition, 有兴趣参加临床研究的人应考虑与以下人员交谈:

Doctors or nurses


Family, close friends or a clergy member

Depending on someone’s health status, the decision to participate in clinical research can be a serious matter. 在决定参与之前与你信任的人交谈通常是有帮助的.  记得要问这些人,他们对临床研究的建议是基于什么. 

blue icons representing people

Study research team


MRI icon graphic

Clinical Research at Johns Hopkins Medicine

约翰霍普金斯医学院领导并参与了所有类型的临床研究以及许多个人研究. 约翰霍普金斯医学院的科学家领导了一些最具创新性的临床研究. 其中一些仅在约翰霍普金斯大学可用,并且是由我们的专家开发的. 正是我们对推动医学进步的承诺,驱使我们的研究人员在临床研究中承担最高水平的责任. 

我们鼓励有疾病的人在诊断后尽快与他们的医生或我们的任何研究协调员谈论当前约翰霍普金斯大学的临床研究. 这是因为许多试验都有一定的规则来决定他们要寻找什么类型的参与者.

What do we know about the Research Participant experience at Johns Hopkins?

“研究参与者对约翰霍普金斯大学的使命非常重要,因此我们将定期从研究参与者那里获得他们的经验反馈作为优先事项,” says Daniel Ford, .M.D., M.P.H., director of Institute for Clinical and Translational Research.

Starting in 2016, 约翰霍普金斯医学院启动了一个项目,通过一项全面的调查,随机抽取研究参与者的样本,询问他们的经历. 

  • Over 1,000 people have completed this survey, 结果表明,绝大多数人都有满意的体验.
  • 80%的人对他们在研究中的总体经历进行了8到10分的评分(满分为10分).
  • 97%的人表示他们会推荐家人或朋友参加研究.
  • 98%的人报告说,机构审查委员会的同意程序为他们在研究中的经历做好了准备.
  • They also gave high marks to the communication skills of the research team.
  • 大多数人报告说,在研究过程中,他们一直觉得自己是研究团队中有价值的成员.

The results of these surveys are available online.

Learn More About Clinical Research at Johns Hopkins Medicine
